Lee County Pheasants Forever 171 - Youth Page

Iowa's Next Pheasant Hunters

Iowa's Next Pheasant Hunters

Welcome to the next generation in conservation and pheasant hunting enthusiasts. In efforts to help our younger generation play a larger role in our efforts to conserve and provide habitat for upland game, our chapter provides today's youth with opportunities to learn about what Pheasants Forever is truly about. Iowa provides conservation educational materials, safety of firearms and mentor youth hunts for those kids who may not have the same opportunities as most. Take a moment and read about our youth events or find out how you can become a key component of helping future Pheasants Forever Members.

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Youth Fishing Derby

Youth Fishing Derby

We are excited to partner with Lee County Conservation for a Youth Fishing Derby at Heron Bend Fishing Area, 2392 US-61, Fort Madison, IA on Saturday, May 3, 2025 starting at 9:00 a.m.  Children are invited to test out their angling skills and compete for the biggest catch.  There will be fun and prizes for all. 

At 11 a.m., there will be a fish cleaning demonstration followed by lunch, courtesy of Pheasants Forever. This is a free event, and no pre-registration is necessary. Lee County Conservation will provide poles and bait for anyone that needs it.

Please come join us for a fun filled day!

Youth Pheasant Hunt

We are in the planning stages of several activities for our area youth.  On our agenda is a fishing tournament, a youth bow shoot, and a youth hunt .  Please stay tuned for more details. 

Youth Hunter Safety and Education

Youth Hunter Safety and Education

While we all like to have fun in the field and chase pheasants for miles, safety is one of the most important aspects. We promote and encourage hunter safety in the field. Through these classes and education we show both youth and adults the proper ways to handle firearms and proper gun care. We want those who are not familiar with a gun comfortable with handling their firearm so that they can enjoy their hunts successfully. We work with the Iowa DNR to offer the hunter safety classes.  For more information when or where our hunting safety classes can be found, please visit the Iowa DNR website. 

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Pheasants Forever Lee County 171
3plains.com - Pheasants Forever Web Design

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